Emergency Services Report

Main Content

About Emergency Services Report

The "Emergency Services Report" and is a full colour magazine distributed Australia wide and was created to assist preservation of life in any situation by offering useful tips and information. Simple, yet essential skills and knowledge can preserve life, protect a casualty and possibly prevent a potential life threatening accident - knowledge which no parent, partner, motorist or workmate can do without. As well as useful tips and information the team at Emergency Services Report has published many stories bout the men and women that belong to the fantastic organisations that prevent, respond to and clear up small or large emergencies in our community.

Throughout our nineteen years of publishing we have covered topics as varying as Bushfire Safety, First Aid Tips, Sun, Beach and Surf Safety, Road Safety and Safety in the Home. We also endeavour to cover topics about our Emergency Personnel in Australia such as Firefighters, Emergency Medical And Nursing, Rescue Personnel and Surf Lifesavers- right through to articles about our Australian Defence Forces. Amongst our numerous Reports we also like to cover personal accounts from those of us unfortunate enough to be at the wrong end of a disaster such as the Queensland floods in January 2011.

We envisage that through our efforts in producing this publication, even if the messages we wish to convey can save one life, hopefully more, we have achieved our goal. At the same time we wish to provide articles that entertain and peak the curiosity of our readers. We pride ourselves on providing topical, relevant, information directly into the hands of the community.

About ESR Nursing

Nurses comprise of the largest section of health professionals across the world. They provide health care to the people across their lifespan. In Australia, the three categories for nurses are registered nurses, enrolled nurses and nurse practitioners. In Australia, the career opportunities within nursing are superb. It is not just fun, but challenging and exciting as well. Nurses can be found almost anywhere where people are found. They act as a guide, mentor, facilitator of health care, etc. However, there are a lot of issues surrounding the profession of nursing. These can be of varied types like staffing problems, workload, taking care of the patient without risking one's own health, etc. Almost all nurses, at varying levels of practice experience these ethical issues during their day to day work, which require immediate and focused attention by the health service managers.

Emergency Services Report - Nursing hopes to bring light to some of the issues that nurses face every day. We offer you an insight into the work life of nurses in Australia in an entertaining and informative manner.

Emergency Services Report

ESR Nursing

Advertise with Emergency Services Report

Without the support of community minded businesses across Australia the "Emergency Services Report" would not exist. With this in mind we are extremely grateful to all of our supporters for their contribution.

What we offer

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