Emergency Services Report

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The “Emergency Services Report” has been created to assist preservation of life in any situation by offering useful tips and information. Simple, yet essential skills and knowledge can preserve life, protect a casualty and possibly prevent a potential life threatening accident - knowledge which no parent, partner, motorist or workmate can do without. We envisage that through our efforts in producing this publication, even if the messages we wish to convey can save one life, hopefully.

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Emergency Services Report

ESR Nursing


Current ESR Edition

The current edition of Emergency Services Report takes a look back at the Thredbo Landslide of 1997 and the rescue efforts undertaken. Following on, we take a look at Gun Laws in Australia, some of the strictest in the world. Finally we look at the Australian Border Force and their efforts to police Australia’s borders. All this and more in our 19th edition.

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Previous ESR Editions

Over our many years of publishing Emergency Services Report we have examined a wide variety of topics such as natural disasters, devastating bushfires, the Police Air Wing, the dangers of being a Paramedic, gun laws, Police dogs , PTSD among emergency services personnel and much more in out previous editions.


Current Nursing Edition

The 10th edition of 'Nursing' looks at the role of Nurses in Australia as well as a history of Nursing in Victoria. We also look at Nursing Assessment - the first step in the nursing process. Other articles include Patient Safety and Nursing Burnout.

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Previous Nursing Editions

There are numerous issues surrounding the profession of nursing. These can be of varied types like staffing problems, workload, taking care of the patient without risking one's own health, etc. Almost all nurses, at varying levels of practice experience these ethical issues during their day to day work, which require attention. We have covered many topics such as nursing burnout, violence against nurses and more.